German Shepherd

The German Shepherd was single-handedly advanced by the efforts of Captain Max von Stephanitz in the late 1800s. Recognizing the shift away from herding, his ultimate plan was to breed an all purpose working dog. He bred the first dogs and set up the breed's governing body, the Verein Deutsche Sch'ferhunde, which, in turn, created the schutzhund trials. The trials were a breed test for the German Shepherd; any dog which did not pass the test was prohibited to breed. These trials are responsible for how quickly the German Shepherd's working abilities were advanced. After World War I, many British and American soldiers, who were impressed by the breed's abilities, brought home specimens to breed.
Other Names Body Type Personality Coat Health Concerns
Back to TopAlsatian
AKC Group: Miscellaneous
Breed Club: German Shepherd Dog Club of America
Rescue Club: The American German Shepherd Rescue Association, Inc.
Back to TopBody Type:
- In general, German Shepherds are a large breed, with males and females weighing in between 75 and 85 pounds
- Over time, a few different types of German Shepherds have evolved. The three major lines are FCI recognized international working lines, the FCI recognized international show lines, and the North American show lines; these groups are distinguished by their body types and abilities
- The working lines are bred for ability over appearance, the international show lines are bred for appearance over ability, and the North American show lines, while bred for looks, have developed into a much different type, with sloped backs and angular hocks. Overall, they have strong, well proportioned bodies
- Intelligent, loyal, loving and obedient, German Shepherds can make wonderful pets, if they are well bred and proper research is done by potential owners
- A person looking for a loving pet probably does not want a working-bred dog, just as someone looking for a search, rescue or guard dog wouldn't want a companion-bred dog. Whichever type is chosen, most German Shepherds form a very strong emotional bond with their owners
- They tend to be high energy and need to be exercised regularly
- When properly trained, they will become a loving, protective, essential part of any family
- They have a rough double coat that sheds year round
- The predominate color is black and tan/brown, however, some people breed specifically for silver and black, white or blue coats, which are considered to be a fault by most standards
Health Concerns:
- The average life expectancy of a German Shepherd is 10 to 13 years
- Because of indiscriminate breeding by people interested solely in profit, certain German Shepherds have become predisposed to certain disorders
- They are: Hip and Elbow Dysplasia - for this reason, hip scores are strongly recommended before breeding or purchasing a German Shepherd. Bloat: a usually fatal condition where the stomach becomes overstretched by gas and twists within the abdomen. Von Willebrand's Disease - a hereditary blood clotting disorder. Skin Allergies - seasonal or year round; can be treated topically, with medication or allergy desensitization injections
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